There are some products available to buy at the clinic which you can use at home to help settle your new puppy.
After birth a mother dog will naturally release a ‘dog appeasing pheromone’ from her mammary gland area. This is to reassure and comfort her puppies to help them feel safe and secure. When your puppy leaves its mother for the first time it will leave behind this comforting pheromone.
Adpatil is a synthetic copy of this ‘dog appeasing pheromone’. It has been proven to support puppies settling into new homes, during their socialisation stage and during further training. It has also been proven to work on adult dogs to support them with travel, kennel stays and noise phobias. It is odourless, non-sedative and can be used alongside veterinary medicines.
By fitting an Adaptil puppy collar when you go to collect your puppy, you will ensure that they have this pheromone support on the way to their new home and once they arrive.
Adaptil spray can also be used to give added reassurance during the first car journey to their new home. The spray can be applied to a box, crate or blanket.
In addition, 24 hours before your new puppy arrives home, you can plug in an Adaptil diffuser at floor level in the room where you intend your puppy to sleep and spend most of its time. The diffuser should be switched on continuously for at least 4 weeks – refills are also available for longer use as required.
If your puppy is to attend puppy classes, continued use of Adaptil is beneficial, so they should continue to wear the collar or you can use the sprays throughout.
Adaptil comes in various sized collars, sprays and plug in diffusers – contact the clinic or call in to purchase or order.
For more information why not watch this video below –
Pet Remedy
The special Pet Remedy blend of essential oils works alongside these natural relaxation pathways to help calm the nerves of anxious or stressed pets.
Pet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural ‘messengers’ called neurotransmitters, which work by telling the nerve receiving the message either to calm (via GABA pathway) or get ‘fired up’.
In times of stress or anxiety the nerves get over stimulated, which leads on to the many different signs of stress we see in our pets.Pet Remedy calms your pet without sedating and helps stressed pet become more attentive and receptive.
Pet Remedy is a low concentration valerian blend and constant slow release, which is very kind and gentle on the metabolism of any mammal or bird.
For more information why not watch this video below –
Effectiveness of valerian
Valerian (essential oil is obtained by distillation from the root of the plant Valeriana Officinalis) has been used for centuries as an effective and safe calming agent. There is ample anecdotal evidence of its efficacy.
Signs of stress include:
- Behaviour change
- Spraying
- Soiling
- Over grooming
- Lack of interaction
- Loss of appetite
- Scratching
- Aggression
Pet Remedy also comes in a plug-in diffuser and calming sprays.
Plug-In Diffuser
Lasts up to 8 weeks, suitable for a large room and refill packs are available
Calming Sprays
Water based, pH neutral formulations which can be sprayed directly in the kennel or crate, used in the home, onto clothing, bedding, carpets and soft furnishings or on the move in your car.
Call into the clinic to see the range available and get the help you need to relieve any stress your pet may